Make Friends Meet Jesus

We long to see students transformed by the truth of Jesus’ message and the beauty of His community.

This means that across the campuses of the University of the Sunshine Coast, we hang out together, study the Bible together - and have fun doing it!

We meet across two different locations

  • USC Sippy Downs

    Sunshine Coast Christian Students is an AFES group that started in 2016. We meet each week to grow together through our Bible studies and social events and we love exploring the beautiful part of the world that we live in.

  • USC Moreton Bay

    Christian Students Moreton is an AFES group that started in 2020. We love serving on our relatively new campus to provide the opportunity for students to investigate Jesus, through the Bible, and to network with other Christians.

Each week, SCCS runs three core spaces that contribute to the growth of community and the growth of our faith.

  • Main Meetings

    Main Meetings are weekly gatherings where students come together to hear the Bible taught in a larger group setting (kind of like an interactive tutorial). Here, we hang out together, study the bible, ask questions, and consider how the message of what Jesus has done changes our lives as university students.

  • Bible Studies

    Bible Studies are smaller gatherings that happen a few times throughout the week. This is a time where we get to grow in relationship together as we encourage one another and dig into the Bible together. It’s a perfect combination of sharing our laughs, our faith, and our lives with one another.

  • Social Events

    Social Events are gatherings that create a sense of community within our group. These are events where students get to enjoy hanging out together - whether its over a game of table tennis, whilst devouring a pizza, or as they enjoy the beauty of the Sunny Coast! Throughout, we point one another to Jesus.

Keen to Join? Get Connected with us

Get in touch.

We’d love to get connected with you. If you’re happy to do so, then fill out this form, so that we can help you to plug-in with others on your campus and keep you updated about the things we have running!